The difference is in the details. At WinTech Racing, we realise materials are not all the same which is why we have developed deep relationships with industry leading suppliers and use these in the construction of our boats.

We go a stage further and weave these materials in our state of the art manufacturing facility to achieve custom laminates which meet our exact specifications and testing criteria.
All this results in custom lightweight materials with superior durability, impact resistance as well as torsional and longitudinal stiffness to other leading brands and the ultimate boat for you our customers.

A cloth made up of parallel-oriented carbon fibers held together with some type of binding agent (e.g. epoxy) so it doesn’t fray. “Uni” is ideal when strength is primarily needed in one direction more than any other. Multi directional stiffness is achieved by layering engineered reinforcements in the direction and place needed, thus reducing the total fiber usage where it is not needed and thus, unnecessary weight. “Uni” also uses 10% less resin than a traditional woven cloth, increasing the fiber to weight ration and reducing unneeded resin, allowing more freedom to add reinforcements in other locations.

Carbon comes in various grades of performance, some being “High Modulus” and others being “Standard” or “Low”. High modulus fibers are very stiff and light, but also more costly. High modulus fibres are nearly double the stiffness of standard at 54 million pounds per square inch, compared to 33 million pounds of standard modulus. In our elite boats, we use High Modulus Carbon to maximise the weight to stiffness ratio and provide with a boat that will turn your power into speed. Know why the WinTech Cobra and Medalist are the best boats on the market!

A woven fabric made up of carbon tows (think yarn). Tows are comprised of bundles of thousands of carbon atom crystals aligned in parallel (think thread). Woven carbon fiber is most known for it’s high strength-to-volume ratio and exceptional stiffness, but is more costly and brittle than other options.

A glass fiber reinforced plastic woven into a sheet. While fiberglass is a lightweight and resilient material at a fraction of the cost of carbon or Kevlar®, it is not nearly as strong or stiff.

A sheet of honeycomb cells made out of a proprietary DuPont aerospace-grade synthetic fiber. The cell structures allow it to be flexible, which makes it perfect for use in tight radius curves, such as boat hulls. Nomex® is used when high strength-to-weight ratios are required.

A proprietary DuPont synthetic fiber that can be woven into fabric. Kevlar® also has very high strength-to-weight volume ratio but is heavier and less stiff than carbon. The upside is that Kevlar® has better fatigue resistance and is less expensive.